Today I”m going to address a question I’ve received in response to our videos on how to install window blinds, and that is: How do you fix a cordless blind that’s hanging crooked?
You’ll be glad to know this is a pretty easy fix. You don’t even need any tools.
Cordless Blinds: What They Are and Why They Get Crooked
The blinds I’m using in this tutorial are 1-inch, basic-quality, cordless blinds from Lowe’s. The method I’m going to show you will work on most cordless blinds including 2 and 2½-inch faux wood blinds which are my favorite.
Cordless blinds are raised and lowered without using a lift cord. Instead, you push the bottom support of the blind up to raise it and pull down to lower it. Even though the blinds raise and lower without using a lift cord, there are still cords running through the slats, which are part of the lift mechanism hidden inside the headrail.
What causes an uneven extension of the blind is pretty simple: the cord inside the blind becomes unsymmetrically distributed. You may have heard that you need to take some string out to shorten the side that’s hanging lower, but I haven’t found that to be a good solution to this problem.
While the simple fix I’m going to show you should work on most cordless blinds out there, it’s possible that blinds with a higher-end headrail could have an adjustment mechanism built-in.
In most cases, this easy repair technique should fix your uneven blind problem.
Let’s jump into it so you can get your crooked blinds hanging level again.
Rather watch than read? Check out this 3-minute video.
How to Fix Cordless Blinds: A Simple Technique to Get Them Hanging Level Again
The blinds I’m working with here are 1-inch cordless blinds from Lowe’s but this technique will work with 2½-inch faux wood blinds from Home Depot as well.
What I’m going to do is manipulate the blind using a teeter-totter-like motion to redistribute the cord running through the blind. This will bring the blind back to a level position.
For demo purposes, let’s see just how far away from level this blind is.

In my case, the string on the left side of the blind needs to be lengthened and the one on the right shortened.

Before manipulating the blind, I’m going to first retract it up about two-thirds of the way.

Then, I’m going to pull down quite aggressively on my needs-to-be-lengthened side of the blind (in this case, the left) and at the same time lift up on my needs-to-be-shortened side (in this case, the right).

As I do this, the blind will descend. I’ll keep repeating this teeter-totter motion until the blind seems level or reaches the bottom position.
One pass might not be sufficient; you might have to repeat the process a few times. Just retract the blind back up and start over as needed. If you over-correct and the blind ends up sloping in the other direction, no worries. Just reverse the process.
How to Fix Crooked Cordless Window Blinds: Conclusion
I know this teeter-totter technique for fixing crooked cordless blinds might seem like a bit of a hack but it does work! I’ve straightened out many blinds this way. Judging from the comments under the video, it’s worked for many viewers as well.
Do have a look at the comments section under the YouTube video. I’ll pin comments from viewers about techniques that have worked for them at the top of the section for everyone’s benefit.
Blinds: Related Projects and Articles
Got window blinds you need to install? Check out our YouTube video, “How To Install Blinds.”
If you’re wondering how much you could save by installing your own blinds, have a look at our article, How To Install Blinds For Windows & Doors on a Budget.
To Leave Comments and Questions
If something doesn’t make sense or if your situation is a little different, please leave a comment under the YouTube video. I check the comments on a daily basis and am happy to help out.
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