What I want may not exist yet. If I choose a 10-14" sky light tube kit, what comes in the box includes all the parts necessary to assemble a working kit. But if I want to add a Y (Wye) connector to the roof mount curb, it would allow me to split the downward light to an adjoining room or hallway.
Question is where might I find one? This is the closest wye I can find and it is 14"x12"x12" and while it would fit the roof curb mount, it is too narrow to fit the ceiling finished covers. This assumes I could buy a second ceiling cover from the company who makes these kits.
I can also find a 16 x 14 x 14 galvanized wye branch, but similar problems prevent me from adding to the kit. The key is that all openings must be the same diameter
Here is where I found these: https://www.ferguson.com/product/16-x-14-x-14-in-galvanized-steel-duct-wye-branch-shmbuy26161414/_/R-3687212?fromplp=true&trackSignal=true
(sorry about the image quality-these came directly from a webpage and looked clear when I pasted but are not resolving well, may be too large a resolution for this forum)
If anyone has any experience with these or knows where I can find one I think this would be a good cost-saving connector. Knowing that the full strength of the light may be reduced to a degree but it would still bring in more light than without one.
Hmmmm, sounds like an interesting project. I have never installed a sky tunnel on any of my properties and from what I am seeing it seems to be 1-to-1 with the dome on the roof matched to a single outlet. I wonder if you could set up a test. Could you install the sky tunnel with 1 outlet to see how much light comes into the room or bathroom and then use a HVAC Wye (maybe try to polish the inside to reflect light better) to see if you get a reasonable amount of light through both ends or if it significantly reduces the light where both outlets aren't that effective.
Thanks and let me know what you decide.